Thursday, November 13, 2008

Discovered Joomla

I discovered Joomla yesterday. I haven't stopped playing with it since.  It is going to be the foundation for every company website I do from now on.  it is such a brilliant base application!

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Martini Tuesday

Last night I went to the 400th week of the SOBE Social Club Martini Tuesday at the Sagamore Hotel.  Unlike many of the past events, this one was a great networking event where my business partner and I met several good contacts.  We were beginning to grow jaded from the transient population of Miami and have made it a point now to grow roots with the native population.  

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Prop 2 Appeal?

It is strange that Florida voted for a republican president but still managed to vote for the state constitutional amendment to ban domestic partnership rights.  Perhaps the injustice of civil rights is not appropriately held in disgust by the media as much lesser crimes emphasized by our beloved press today.